Our Phocus

With the rise of Superheroes in film, comics, toys and gaming.

Our stories are not about superheroes but about ordinary people, if given a little phocus can do extraordinary things. At Phocused Black Star Media we fully intend to produce animated features that will that speak to the level of consciousness for all and provides a voice for the unheard. We have an initial library of titles we are going to release within the next 5 to 10 years from our collection of comics, graphic novels and games.

Our phocus remains the same.

To build stories that encompass a distinct balance between unprecedented storytelling and exceptional artwork. Each episode of the animated series takes the audience on a journey deep into the underworld of terrorism to explore complex characters with complex situations.

We will continue to listen to our fan base as they grow with our various storylines.

Our aim is to provide stories that connect with individual on various levels. As we will continue to develop stories that people think about but never see.

In the short term, we do plan on releasing shorter length animated products, first of which is the trailer for our comic series P.B.Soldier: Episode 2.0 “The New Revolution” featured in the video here.